know your strength

[Quote From a Book (VIII)]: “People like to think that everyone is born equal…”

Godsgrace Nzewi
Published in
1 min readApr 30, 2022


“Each person begins life with a head start in some area and a handicap in other areas” | Photo source: Prawny

“People like to think that everyone is born equal. However, some win the geographic lottery by being born in a free and prosperous country while others lose. Some win the genetic lottery in looks or athletic skills while others do not stand out in these areas. No matter how wonderful a human being I might be, I am never going to be chosen to succeed Queen Elizabeth as England’s next monarch. No matter how much I love music and no matter how hard I practice on my piano, I am unlikely to succeed in becoming the conductor of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. My son may enjoy sports; but with genetically determined height limitations, he is not going to be able to go one on one with Michael Jordan. These limitations condemn nobody to a life without power, music, or athletics, but each person begins life with a head start in some area and a handicap in other areas.”

Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Thou Shall Prosper

